Category Archives: Products – Solutions

IE vulnerability

Microsoft has confirmed that an IE vulnerability was at fault for the Google attacks. In Microsoft Security Advisory (979352) it spells out details and in a company blog, Mike Reavey, director of Microsoft’s Security Response Center (MSRC) provides more information. The security advisory notes that IE 5.01 running on Windows 2000 was not vulnerable to the attack, but that IE6, IE7 and IE8 on Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008, Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 are all at risk.

and then….Microsoft announced that it will issue an emergency security update for Internet Explorer (IE),
but postponed setting a ship date for the fix until wednesday.

4ipnet Wireless Equipment

4ipnet provides integrated WiFi solutions to securely deliver high performance wireless connectivity, and at the same time, fulfill the network management needs of your business. 
4ipnet’s complete WLAN infrastructure solution portfolio addresses the needs of different network operation environments ranging from the ISP to the SOHO – with an emphasis on simplified network deployment, centralized network management, and enhanced network performance.
Wireless Solutions include:
Hot Spot






Point to Point Wireless

SF WiFi is a 4ipnet equipment reseller and equipment installer. Contact SF WiFi for more information.


 Point to Point wireless:


Hot Spot Wireless Solutions

Does your business offer wireless Internet to your customers?

With PDA’s iPhone, Netbook – Today’s mobile users are expecting wireless hot spots to be at coffee houses, restaurants, sports bars, hotels and gas stations (yes gas stations).

McDonalds is now offering FREE WiFi to all customers. We can help you compete with WiFi Equipment, installations and support.

 Contact us for more information

Seasons Greetings!

With the holidays around the corner, SF WiFi would like to thank you for your business.  

We have worked with a wide range of clients on numerous projects and look forward to working together in 2010. 

Trends we are seeing:

  • Clients are replacing legacy wireless gear and improving speed, coverage and reliability.  
  • Wireless HD TV installations. (IPTV). Pilot programs in San Jose homes and hotels.
  • Video Surveillance with wireless cameras. DVR and online live monitoring.
  • Offsite file backups – Offsite storage solutions. Utilizing the cloud. (Ask us)
  • Marketing trends via WordPress and blog pages. 

You may know SF WiFi for wireless network design and installations. But we also offer PC, server and networking support services. I have always stressed file backups. We all have worked too hard in 2009 to lose data to a failed hard drive. (PC or server). SF WiFi offers onsite and offsite backup solutions. Whether or not you are using our services keep your files backed up.  

For those of you who are considering improving your marketing strategies I am recommending Shaw Web Designs for web site design and web page maintenance. Leticia Shaw specializes in WordPress design which offers the client direct access to contribute information to their own web site and or blog pages. 

You can follow SF WiFi on our blog site “Coverage” where we promote the flow of information about products, support info, geek jokes and announcements. We can also be found on Twitter  

 Geek joke: It was so cold last night there was frost on the Windows 7. Oh that’s a good one. 

Happy Holidays


Wheels of Justice

A federal appeals court ordered Microsoft Corp. to stop selling its Word program in January and pay a Canadian software company $290 million for violating a patent, upholding the judgment of a lower court.

Microsoft said it has been preparing for such a judgment since August.  Copies of Word and Office sold before Jan. 11 aren’t affected by the court’s decision. And Microsoft said it has “put the wheels in motion to remove this feature” from versions of Word 2007 and Office 2007 that would be sold after that date.

4ipnet EAP700 Wall Jack Access Point

Wall Jack Access Point
Wall Jack Access Point

Available at the SF WiFi On Line Store:

Product information:
The 4ipnet EAP700 Wall Jack Access Point is an in-the-wall Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11b/g AP, designed to blend with any office or home interior architecture or furnishings effortlessly. The compact EAP700 in a small form factor lays snug in a standard wall outlet box, and hides the wall cutout with its faceplate. Its front panel features LED status indicators and a RJ45 wall jack. EAP700 has the interfaces to serve both wireless and wired LAN access. The simplistic yet chic design of EAP700 allows it to blend into a working or a living environment practically and elegantly.
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