All posts by Ron Wilhelm

SF WiFi – Monster Home Wireless

SF WiFi serves customers in the Hospitality, SMB and Hotspots market – but what home wireless solutions? We do support the home wireless market and we have worked for home clients where the SOHO wireless equipment couldn’t get the job done. We refer to these projects as “Monster Home” projects.

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Home Wireless Solutions

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iPhone – Bandwidth Hog

iPhone Bandwidth Hog – (“Jump on a wireless connection” – SF WiFi)

While AT&T and Apple have remained silent on the absence of tethering and MMS with the iPhone, a new report provides insight on the effect an influx of bandwidth-heavy mobile users have had on the wireless network.

Digging into customer dissatisfaction with the AT&T network, The New York Times revealed that the carrier has struggled to keep up with demand as iPhone owners use more and more bandwidth. The report suggests that AT&T’s reputation could be tarnished because, for some users, its network is unable to keep up with demand. The bandwidth issues have led to delays of tethering and multimedia messaging, much-anticipated features for iPhone users.

“The result is dropped calls, spotty service, delayed text and voice messages and glacial download speeds as AT&T’s cellular network strains to meet the demand,” the report, which compared the device to a gas-guzzling Hummer, states. “Another result is outraged customers.”

The average iPhone user reportedly consumes 10 times the bandwidth of a typical smartphone user, but that is expected to change in the near future. The growth of the iPhone and its impact on the AT&T network has even led to lawsuits. As other mobile devices emulate the iPhone and also use more network capacity, the problem is expected to grow on all networks, not just AT&T.

Even John Donovan, chief technology officer for AT&T, admitted his company’s struggles. “It’s been a challenging year for us,” he told the Times.

But in the face of demand, AT&T plans to spend $18 billion this year to upgrade and expand its 3G network. And the company has no plans to cap data use, whether solely through the phone or via tethering with a computer.

AT&T announced Wednesday that it had improved its 3G coverage in metro New York and New Jersey. The company expects to roll out nationwide improvements with HSPA 7.2 technology, with the upgrade to be completed in 2011. And 1,900 new cell towers are planned for construction in the U.S. this year as well. But expansion isn’t so simple.

“As fast as AT&T wants to go, many cities require lengthy filing processes to erect new cell towers,” the report states. “Even after towers are installed, it can take several months for software upgrades to begin operating at faster speeds.”

Many analysts believe that when Apple’s exclusive contract with AT&T expires in 2010, the handset maker will offer the iPhone on other carriers. The most obvious jump would be to Verizon, the largest carrier in the U.S., ahead of No. 2 AT&T.

Fromt the Apple Insider

WPA Cracked

Japanese researchers say they can crack WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), the
successor to the old-school WEP. The previous method of attacking WPA devices took up to 15 minutes to be successful, and didn’t always work. The new method is said to work on far more devices but just like the old attack, this new one only works on WPA devices that use the TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) algorithm, which is a setting in the router, access point or wireless controller.

Bottom Line: The AES encrypted algorithm is much stronger. When using WPA use the AES algorithm in place of TKIP.  Or use WPA2 with AES.

Fluke Networks announced that it is acquiring AirMagnet

AirMagnet is a leader in security, performance and compliance solutions for
wireless LANs. Fluke Networks provides solutions for the installation and
certification, testing, monitoring and analysis of copper, fiber and
wireless networks used by enterprises and telecommunications carriers.

Together the companies plan to create a global leader in test and analysis
for networks.

“Fluke Networks is a top innovator and recognized leader in Ethernet LAN
analysis and their solutions are known worldwide for delivering deep insight
into LAN performance, security and optimization,” said Dean T. Au, president of AirMagnet. “The power of a combined Fluke Networks and AirMagnet should help us fulfill more quickly the growth opportunities and product and technology roadmaps to better serve our customers’ evolving needs.”

Happy S.A.A.D. !!

10th annual System Administrator Appreciation Day

A sysadmin unpacked the server for this website from its box, installed an operating system, patched it for security, made sure the power and air conditioning was working in the server room, monitored it for stability, set up the software, and kept backups in case anything went wrong. All to serve this webpage.

A sysadmin installed the routers, laid the cables, configured the networks, set up the firewalls, and watched and guided the traffic for each hop of the network that runs over copper, fiber optic glass, and even the air itself to bring the Internet to your computer. All to make sure the webpage found its way from the server to your computer.

Thank your sysadmin




Free WiFi

Free Wi-Fi is a big deal with consumers who travel with their laptop and mobile phones.  It’s common to get access to Wi-Fi in many coffee shops and restaurants.  Bookseller Barnes & Noble has announced that it will be offering free in-store access to Wi-Fi to customers at all locations nationwide. The customers will be able to freely browse and download any of the 700,000 eBooks that the retailer offers in its store and get public domain books from Google.

Adobe Security Updates

Adobe Systems Inc. late Wednesday (july22)admitted its Flash and Reader software have a critical vulnerability and promised it would patch both next week. Adobe said it would patch all versions of Flash by July 30, and Reader and Acrobat for Windows and Mac no later than July 31.

Vacationers using wireless face security threat

Cyber criminals are targeting travelers by creating phony Wi-Fi hot spots in airports, hotels and coffee shops. These are know as “evil twins” attacks.


We can help protect your network and your wireless guests.


Our network design and wireless equipment include features:

  • Rouge access point detection in the wireless network. Is someone attempting an “evil twin” at your site. We can detect and shut them down.
  • Network and access point management and error notification.
  • Security features.
  • Guest ease of use.
  • Bandwidth limiting.

The story:,2933,531380,00.html

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